2017 mlr instructions
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MEDICAL LOSS RATIO (MLR) REPORT. FILING INSTRUCTIONS FOR CONTRACT YEAR (CY) 2017 These filing instructions apply to the CY 2017 MLR reporting year. NOTE: REFER TO MLR INSTRUCTIONS FOR IMPORTANT INFORMATION ABOUT COMPLETING EACH COLUMN AND ROW. 12/31/2016, 03/31/2017, 12/31/2016, 03/31/2017, 12/31/2016 These MLR Form Filing Instructions only apply to the 2017 MLR reporting year and its reporting requirements. These Filing Instructions will be revised to Guidance for MLR Annual Reporting Form Instructions for the 2017 reporting year. Download the Guidance Document. Final. Issued by: Centers for Medicare & rebate reporting for the Federal MLR, federal instructions address appropriate accounting3 so that health plan companies cannot overstate claims and thusNote that incurred claims by one Health Plan that are later assumed by another entity must be reported by the assuming Health Plan for the entire MLR reporting 12, 2017. 13. 14, Health Insurance Coverage, Health Insurance Coverage NOTE: REFER TO MLR INSTRUCTIONS FOR IMPORTANT INFORMATION ABOUT COMPLETING EACH
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